Arcadia Harbor

Harbor FeaturesAerial view of Arcadia Harbor

  • Located on the east shore of Lake Michigan, 193 miles northeast of Chicago, IL and 15 miles north of Manistee, MI
  • Authorization: River & Harbor Act of March 2, 1905
  • Shallow draft recreational harbor
  • Project depth is 9 feet
  • Approximately 1,100 feet of maintained federal channel between Lake Michigan and Bar Lake
  • More than 2,400 feet of maintained piers
  • Dredged material is placed along the beach as beach nourishment
  • Major stakeholders include Arcadia Township, County of Mainstee and several marinas and charter fishing interests

Project Requirements

  • Requires annual maintenance dredging of approximately 5,000 cubic yards. Arcadia Harbor was last dredged in 2010 using MI regional dredging provision funding
  • The harbor currently requires maintenance dredging

Consequences of Not Maintaining the Project

  • Local economy would be devastated
  • Loss of jobs locally
  • Loss of destination for many transient boaters that fill the marinas
  • Loss of recreational and charter fishing in the area
  • Property values would plummet

Transportation Importance

  • This project serves as an important Harbor of Refuge and supports charter fishing and recreational navigation interests
  • The local community has established a significant infrastructure around the harbor facilities that generates income from harbor users and visitors to the area
  • Supports over 60 recreational boat slips

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fiscal Year (FY) 2012, 2013 and 2014
Arcadia Harbor, MI - Project Requirements and President's Budget ($1,000)

 Work Package FY12 Requirement FY12 Work Plan FY13 Requirement FY13 Appropriation FY14 Requirement FY14 President's Budget
 Project Condition Surveys 17  


 Maintenance Dredging - Primary Work Package 170    177      
 Totals  187   195      

Congressional Interests

  • Representative Bill Huizenga R-MI-2
  • Senator Carl Levvin D-MI
  • Senator Debbie Stabenow D-MI